Saturday 14 November 2015


                               "  Sources of different vitamins and diseases caused by their deficiency "

Vitamin A
Vitamin A can be obtained in the diet foods of animal origin such as milk, eggs, fish, butter, fortified margarine, cheese and liver. In developing countries it is obtained from carotene, which is present in the green and yellow fruits and vegetables, furthermore the vegetable sources of this vitamin are sweet potatoes, pumpkin, mangoes, apricot, beet greens and dark green leafy vegetables.
 Vitamin A is found naturally in many foods                                              
  • cod liver oil (30000 μg)
  • liver (turkey) (8058 μg 895%)
  • liver (beef, pork, fish) (6500 μg 722%)
  • liver (chicken) (3296 μg 366%)
  • dandelion greens (5588 IU 112%)[18]
  • sweet potato (961 μg 107%)
  • carrot (835 μg 93%)
  • broccoli leaf (800 μg 89%) – According to USDA database, broccoli florets have much less.[19]
  • broccoli florets (31 μg 3%)
  • butter (684 μg 76%)
  • kale (681 μg 76%)
  • spinach (469 μg 52%)
  • pumpkin (400 μg 41%)
  • collard greens (333 μg 37%)
  • Cheddar cheese (265 μg 29%)
  • cantaloupe melon (169 μg 19%)
  • egg (140 μg 16%)
  • apricot (96 μg 11%)
  • papaya (55 μg 6%)
  • mango (38 μg 4%)
  • pea (38 μg 4%)
  • milk (28 μg 3%)
  • tomatoes
  • seaweed
  • Deficiency:-   The deficiency of vitamin leads to skin changes and to night blindness or failure of dark adaptation due to the effects of deficiency on retina.

    Vitamin D:
                        There are only a few foods that are good sources of vitamin D. Some vitamin D is obtained from eggs, fatty fish. Fish oils, liver, butter, margarine and milk while human gets most of it from the direct sunlight. It is not found in plant foods. However, it can be obtained from vegetable margarines, some Soya milks and certain other foods which are fortified with the vitamin                                                
    Vitamin D is found naturally in many foods
    Deficiency;     Deficiency of vitamin D causes rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults.
          Vitamin,E  Vitamin E is an antioxidant and helps in the production of red blood cells. Foods that are rich in vitamin E include:
    --->Vitamin E is an important vitamin required for the proper function of many organs in the body. It is also an antioxidant. This means it helps to slow down processes that damage cells                                                                                                                                                  

    • Avocado
    • Tomato
    • Watercress
    • Brussels sprouts
    • Spinach
    • Berries
    • Salmon
    • Whole grain products
    • -Nuts
    • Olive oil
    • Sunflower oil
    •           Mackerel          
     Deficiency  -  " Vitamin E Deficiency Symptoms in Infants  
  • Retrolental fibroplasia (an eye disease)
  • Loss of weight and delayed growth
  • Poor eating habits
  • Developmental problems that include physical and mental problems

  • "Vitamin E Deficiency Symptoms in Children"

  • Chronic liver disease, causing neurological deficits
  • Gross lack of coordination of muscle movements with loss of deep tendon reflexes
  • Truncal and limb ataxia
  • Loss of vibration and position senses
  • Paralysis of extra-ocular muscles responsible for eye movements
  • Muscle weakness
  • Ptosis (drooping upper eyelid)
  • Dysarthria (motor speech disorder)
  • Slow growth in children

  • "Deficiency of Vitamin E Symptoms in Adults "
  • Mild anemia
  • Nonspecific neurological deficits
  • Disorders related to reproduction and infertility
  • Fragile red blood cells
  • Age spots
  • Cataracts
  • Certain neurological damage
  • Decrease in sex drive
  • Muscle, liver, bone marrow and brain function abnormal 
  • Vtamin-K 

    Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin, so your body stores it in fat tissue and the liver. It is best known for its role in helping blood clot, or coagulate, properly. The "K" comes from its German name, Koagulationsvitamin. Vitamin K also plays an important role in bone health.
    It is rare to have a vitamin K deficiency. That’s because in addition to being found in leafy green foods, the bacteria in your intestines can make vitamin K. Sometimes taking antibiotics can kill the bacteria and lead to a mild deficiency, mostly in people with low levels to begin with. Vitamin K deficiency can lead to excessive bleeding, which may begin as oozing from the gums or nose. Other things that may lead to vitamin K deficiency include:
    • Health problems that can prevent your body from absorbing vitamin K, such as gallbladder or biliary disease, cystic fibrosis, celiac disease, and Crohn's disease
    • Liver disease
    • Taking blood thinners, such as warfarin (Coumadin)
    • Long-term hemodialysis
    • Serious burns
    Other conditions that benefit from vitamin K include:

    The following are some of the signs of a deficiency of vitamin K:
    1. Among the most common signs and symptoms of vitamin K deficiency are heavy menstrual bleeding, gum bleeding, nose bleeding, and easy bruising. Symptoms and signs of vitamin K deficiency further include bleeding within the digestive tract and blood in the urine.
    2. A deficiency of vitamin K can affect a new-born baby or fetus as well. Vitamin K deficiency may result in internal bleeding (in the skull), malformed fingers, and under-developed facial features like ears, nose, and chin. Vitamin K helps in the overall development of the fetus. This explains why a pregnant woman is usually given vitamin K in the form of food supplements.
    3. Defective blood coagulation and hemorrhages are also among the signs and symptoms of a vitamin K deficiency. Deficiency of vitamin K leads to a reduction in the prothrobin content of blood. If you are deficient in vitamin K, you will suffer from blood clotting. Deficiency of vitamin K can also lead to Alzheimer’s disease.
    4. Other prominent signs and symptoms of vitamin K deficiency are prolonged clotting times, hemorrhaging, and anemia.
    5. Vitamin K deficiency-related symptoms lead to excessive deposition of calcium in soft tissues. Hardening of the arteries or calcium-related problems are the other common signs of vitamin K deficiency. So are biliary obstruction, malabsorption, cystic fibrosis, and resection of the small intestine


    "These are Fat Soluble Vitamins. In Next Post You Will See Water Soluble Vitamins. Which is Vitamin C AND Vitamin B Group;, So Don'T Forgot To Read Our Next Blog."
    Till Then Stay Fit,

    Friday 13 November 2015

    Countries with the Best Food










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    8 Amazing Facts about Watermelon

    Watermelon is one of the most popular and delicious summer fruits that almost everyone loves. Watermelon is low in calories (it has 46 calories per cup) and high in vitamins A and C (it provides 17 percent of your daily Vitamin A intake and 20 percent of your daily Vitamin C intake.) Watermelon is also rich in dietary fiber and potassium. While there’s a strong debate over whether watermelon is a vegetable or a fruit, many of us consider watermelon to be both. If you want to learn a few amazingly interesting facts about watermelon, keep.reading

    1. Watermelon boosts brain power
    Did you know that watermelon can help you boost your brain power? The thing is, watermelon is an excellent source of Vitamin B6, which is vital for normal brain function. Moreover, the water percentage in this delicious fruit is similar to the water percentage in the brain

    2. It has a high water content
    Watermelon has an extremely high water content. According to the USDA, watermelon is 91.5 percent water, which means that this fruit can help you stay hydrated throughout the day. Eating watermelon or drinking watermelon juice each day is one of the most delicious ways to stay hydrated during this season, isn’t it?

    3. It contains about 40 percent more lycopene than raw tomatoes
     A cup of watermelon contains 1.5 times more lycopene than a large fresh tomato. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that helps prevent the free radicals from causing cell damage and can improve your immune system. Moreover, this powerful antioxidant has been shown to lower the risk of cancer in the body.

    4. A yellow watermelon
    Watermelon comes in different varieties. There’s a watermelon that is not pink on the inside. If you want to try something new, opt for Yellow Crimson. This yellow variety of watermelon has a sweet, honey-like taste that you’ll definitely love. But it can be difficult to buy a yellow watermelon since it’s almost identical with the other watermelon varieties.

    5. It’s good for your eyes
    Watermelon is packed with Vitamin A, which is great for your eyes. It helps to boost your eyesight power and it protects your eyes from various infections. Consume about 100 grams of watermelon each day to keep your eyes healthy and your eyesight sharp .

    6. Watermelon juice can reduce muscle soreness
    Numerous studies show that watermelon juice can help to reduce muscle soreness, so it’s a great drink after an extremely tiring workout. The thing is, watermelon is one of the highest sources of citrulline, which helps to improve artery function and reduce blood pressure. If you have a muscle soreness, consider drinking water juice. Though, I recommend you to consult your doctor first.

    7. It helps with weight loss
    Eating watermelon is a tasty and frugal way to cleanse your body and drop a few unwanted pounds. As I mentioned above, watermelon is low in calories and high in water and this helps with weight loss. Watermelon makes a great base for homemade smoothies and the perfect snack between meals as it provides the body with lots of minerals and water.

    8. It protects from UV rays
    Watermelon is high in lycopene, a carotenoid pigment that boasts powerful antioxidant properties. Lycopene helps to protect you against UV rays, sunburn and skin cancer. I think it’s an important reason to incorporate some watermelon into your daily diet.
    Watermelon is an awesome fruit that boasts plenty of incredible health benefits. Add watermelon to your summer salads and smoothies, grill it or eat it raw. Summer is the perfect time to enjoy this tasty and healthy fruit. What’s your favorite way to eat watermelon? Share your ideas with us, please.



     Don't Forgot To Come Back                                          


    Wednesday 11 November 2015

    How to Get Six Pack Abs Fast

    The six pack diet
    1- Go for good carbs

    The way to a man's heart is
    through his stomach...and the way to a man's abs
    is through the kitchen. If you're not eating right (man or
    woman notwithstanding), your abs will (or won't, rather)
    show it.
    Not all carbs are evil. It's the simple, white carbs
    that you want to avoid. Whole grains (aka "slow
    carbs") are rich in fiber and go through your
    system much more slowly (hence the name) than
    simple, refined carbs (the white ones). So don't
    shy away from the browns -- brown rice, quinoa,
    whole wheat and oats.

    2-Pack on protein early in the morning

    straight up, you'll eat less (and it's the building
    blocks you need to build muscle tissue). People who got
    35 grams of protein at breakfast were less hungry
    throughout the day and saw favorable changes in the
    hormones and brain signals that control appetite.[1]
    Getting six pack abs isn't necessarily about
    counting calories. But you do need to get rid of the
    fat on top of your abs to expose the muscles
    underneath them -- and eating a bit less will get
    you on track.
    Eating any breakfast was associated with increased
    feelings of fullness, a reduced desire to eat, and
    lower levels of ghrelin (a hunger-stimulating
    hormone) throughout the morning. But a protein-
    packed breakfast was associated with these
    benefits over the course of the entire day.
    This doesn't mean go for the ham steak and
    eggs. To keep your calorie and fat levels in
    check, opt for Greek yogurt, egg whites, and
    Canadian bacon. [1]
    What's more, your body burns more calories
    breaking down protein than it does carbs and
    fats. Every little bit counts, right?

    3 Cut out processed good

    Consuming most of your
    calories from processed and fast foods is going to
    produce an unhealthy body lacking in nutrients. Foods
    that have been through some sort of preservation have
    had their nutrients taken out and are really just empty,
    unhealthy calories. Definitely a no-go for a trim
    To make matters worse, processing then adds in
    unhealthy fats, a ton of sugar or sugar substitute
    and synthetic vitamins and minerals. Most of these
    ingredients, including artificial sweeteners, artificial
    colors, hydrogenated oils and high fructose corn
    syrup, are not even recognized as edible by your
    body. Think about that. These non-food ingredients
    are considered toxins and most will end up
    languishing in your system, often stored with fat.[2]
    Anything that's packaged is a processed
    good. That includes your "health" foods, too.
    Look for the top super foods (nutrient-dense,
    low-calorie fruits and vegetables, like
    broccoli). These give the most vitamins and
    minerals to energize your body and heal and
    prevent strain to the muscle

    4-Drink loats of Water

    Part Two of Two:
    The Six Pack Workout

    1- Exercise your core muscles

    Once the fat on top of
    your abs is gone, you'll need washboard abs to be
    underneath. In the comfort of your home, you can
    exercise your core muscles -- it helps posture, too!
    The plank: You can't just focus on what's on top
    -- it's what's behind your abs too -- your back!
    And doing the plank works both. With your
    forearms on the floor and your toes into the
    ground, lift up your core and thighs off the floor.
    Make sure your elbows are in line with your
    shoulders. To do it right, keep your butt and abs
    The reverse crunch: Upper abs are easy; it's the
    lower ones that are hard. This exercise is much like
    a crunch, but with your feet in the air. To start, put
    your arms at your side, keeping your palms down.
    Place your knees over your hips, using your abs to
    place your body. Instead of moving your head
    toward your knees, move your knees toward your
    head. Hold your knees briefly as close to head as
    possible and then lower them back towards the
    The Bicycle: This exercise targets your back and
    sides, in addition to your upper and lower abs. Lie
    on a soft surface like a yoga mat and make a
    pedaling motion in the air. Alternate raising
    shoulders toward the opposite knee. Make sure to
    work both sides evenly. 2 sets of 12 reps is a good
    place to start. [

    2- Start weight training.

    If you're going for a six pack,
    you'll need strong pecs, shoulders, and back too.
    Your entire body needs to be on track, not just your abs.
    Wood Chop: Using a free weight or medicine ball,
    kneel down on one knee. Lift the weight up, with
    both hands, over the shoulder of your leading foot.
    Lower the weight to the other hip, hold, and bring
    back up. Always make sure your entire body is
    facing forward. Aim to use a weight that fatigues
    the muscle in 12 reps.
    Trunk Rotations: Working with a dumbbell or
    medicine ball, get into a sitting position, knees bent
    and feet flat on the floor. Lean back slightly to
    engage your abs. Bending at the elbows, hold the
    weight close to your core and twist from side to
    side. Pause at the end of each rotation.
    Dumbbell fly: Grab some free weights and sit on a
    stability ball. Walk it forward until it's your head
    and upper back that are balancing on the ball.
    Push the dumbbells up and out, directly above your
    elbows. Swing out and back in, slowly. Keep your
    abs flexed at all times and your arms loose, not
    locked. [6]

    3- Blast fat with cardio.

    The absolute quickest way to
    get rid of fat is cardio. [7] While it's important to do
    cardio and it's important to work with weights, it's
    most important to do both in tandem. You need to burn
    and blast away the fat to see the results you want.
    This doesn't necessarily mean running. Swimming,
    boxing, cycling, and tennis are also great
    alternatives (amongst many) if you don't feel like
    hitting the concrete.
    Consider high intensity interval training. Most
    studies have shown that the benefits of cardio are
    amplified when done in intervals. [8] Work out as
    hard as you can for 30 seconds, relax for a minute,
    and repeat 9 more times. And you'll get your
    workout in super quick.

    4-Keep it varied.

    You don't want your body to get
    used to your workouts. Once something becomes
    easy, step it up a notch. Constantly challenging yourself
    is the only way you'll see results you've never seen
    Each time you exercise, make sure to target
    different muscle groups. Do somewhere between
    four and eight moves and don't repeat the same
    moves the next day. Keep your muscles guessing
    by constantly changing up your routine. But, as
    always, check with your doctor if you're 45 or
    older. [6]

    5- Enjoy your 6 pack!

    Monday 9 November 2015

    How to Gain Weight in 7 Days to Get Rid of the Skinny You

    If you were trying to decipher how to increase your weight and
    the answer you thought to yourself was that `it is easy’ then
    you seriously need to do some re-thinking. How to put on
    weight is equally difficult as losing weight. The belief is quite
    popular that only a few wish to gain weight but as a matter of
    fact, there are many who keep longing to add some flesh to
    their boney structure.
    When it is comes to gaining weight, it requires the same
    amount of dedication as required during your weight loss
    process. And, if you are pondering over the fact how to gain
    weight in a week’s time, your discipline will be tested to its
    maximum level. Following are few steps with a diet plan which
    will help you find an answer to how to get fat in a week’s
    time. Do not expect that you will find a hefty and muscular
    you standing before the mirror on the 8th day. However, the
    considerable changes in your body will make you feel

    Don’t Stop Exercising To Put on Weight

    If you think work outs should only be associated with weight
    loss then you stand completely wrong here. In order to eat
    more calories than what you spend, you must include a
    muscle building regime in your weight gain plan. Follow some
    weight gain exercises like twist curls, squats, dips, deadlifts,
    etc. Instead of repeating the exercises rigorously, lift heavy
    weights in one go. Take rest for at least 3 minutes between
    each set.

    Double Your Food Intake To Increase Weight

    Although this might sound exciting and simple but when it
    comes to performing it practically you may face a tough time.
    If earlier you were eating three meals a day, now you must
    double the quantity and eat at least 6 times and each meal
    should be in equal portions. You might have to force the extra
    food upon you for some weeks. Each extra 500 calories eaten
    per day will add 1 extra pound to your weight in 1 week.

    Calculate Your Calorie Requirement To Gain Weight

    Each individual is different therefore their calorie requirement
    also differs. What you need to do is keep a check on your
    calorie requirement and intake. Once you have figured it out,
    add 500 more calories to your daily consumption by
    introducing high calorie foods to your diet. This will help you
    gain weight within a week. Fixing a schedule for your meals
    will help you consume ample calories throughout the day.

    Include Nutritious Beverages in your Diet To Gain

    Just like your food items, the beverages which you plan to
    introduce into your diet plan should also be high on calorie
    content but at the same time should not cause any harm to
    your health. Opt only those beverages which have healthy
    calories which means you must avoid drinks like packaged
    fruit juices as they have high sugar and preservative content.
    Drink only fresh hand-made juices. Stay at a distance from
    aerated drinks like colas, flavoured coffee drinks, or sweetened
    teas etc. You may find these drinks high on calorie content but
    they are harmful for your body as they contain unhealthy fats.

    Shift your Focus to Hefty Foods To Gain Weight

    In order to add some extra kilos to your weight you don’t
    necessarily have to consume more high-fat foods. In fact, you
    should opt for denser foods which will help you gain weight
    safely and gradually. Try these options:
    Drinks: Introduce proteins shakes, juices or whole milk into
    your diet and avoid aerated drinks.
    Breads: Substitute your white bread with whole wheat or
    oat bran breads. These breads are more nutritious than
    your normal white breads. Use cream cheese, peanut
    butter, jam or honey on these breads to add some extra
    pounds to your mass.
    Vegetables: Avoid watery vegetables like broccoli,
    cauliflower, green beans or cucumbers. Instead, introduce
    starchy vegetables like potatoes, corn, carrots and beets in
    your diet.
    Fruits: Opt for dense fruits instead of watery fruits. Choose
    bananas, apples, pears, and pineapples over oranges,
    peaches, plums, and watermelon.
    Add Extra Oils: While you cook your food, add some extra
    drops of oil. Use un-refined oils like olive, coconut, canola,
    palm and butter. The normal vegetable oils found in the
    kitchen, also known as Soyabean oil, are harmful for your
    health due to their trans fat content. Oils which have
    omega-6 fatty acids like safflower oil, sunflower oil and
    peanut oil are less healthy but still tolerable.
    Sandwich Spreads: Those deliciously colorful looking
    spreads kept in the supermarket must have always tempted
    you. So, grab a pack as soon as you are done with
    planning your weight gain diet plan. Spread those toppings
    on your bread. Some of the suggested spreads are: cream
    cheese, guacamole, olive oil, nut butter, sour cream and
    mayonnaise. A high source of calories, you can further add
    meat or fish shreds to make your sandwich rich.

    Drink Lots of Water To Stay Hydrated

    Water plays a very significant part in increasing your weight.
    To stay healthy while gaining weight it is very necessary to
    give your body enough liquid. Drink half gallon or more of

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