Tuesday 17 November 2015

Lemon juice - Good or Bad? For Your Body

Hy Guyz In My Previous Post You Read Some Amazing Facts About Banana and  Watermelon'
 Now In this Section You Read About King of Citrus Fruit's.
 Yes You Are Right .It's Lemon.

So Let's Start.

Lemon juice can easily be called a wonder potion that does a lot for the body, when it is consumed or topically applied. Instead of spending loads of money on products that promise results but don't deliver, there's always fresh lemon juice that you can use to make your skin glow, your hair dandruff-free, and your body more resistant to a host of health problems. Let's cut to the chase and tell you how lemon juice is good for you.

How is Lemon Juice Good for You?As has been mentioned earlier, you can either consume lemon juice in water, or you can apply it topically for various purposes. Lemon juice can help you with the following
  • Use Lemon Juice to Clear out Acne and Dark Spots
  • To clear out acne, apply fresh lemon juice on the affected area with a cotton ball every night. Allow it to dry and wash it off your face in the morning. With its antibacterial properties, lemon juice will help cure acne, and even reduce the oiliness of the skin that is usually the cause for this condition.

    Further, it will slowly lighten dark spots (acne scars or freckles), and people have seen these fading within a week. When you apply lemon juice on your face, it may sting a little. However, bear with it as it is a natural bleach that usually stings. Also, avoid applying lemon juice on an open wound on your face. It will burn a lot. Finally, don't apply lemon juice and go out in the sun. It will have a reverse effect on your skin and cause it to darken further.


  • Lose Weight with Lemon Juice
  • While there is a full-fledged lemon juice diet that involves using lemon in almost everything one eats, to lose weight effectively, you should start your day with a teaspoon of lemon juice mixed with a glass of warm water, and a teaspoon of honey. This drink instantly activates your metabolism so that you start losing weight. It is of course important that you follow a healthy diet and exercise to see quick results. In essence, this drink will aid your weight loss endeavors. Those of you who do not have acidity problems may have it every morning on an empty for best results.

  • Boost Your Immune System with Lemon Juice
Having the aforementioned drink daily will not only aid weight loss, it will provide a lot of other benefits. Enriched with vitamin C (a powerful antioxidant), lemon juice has the ability to eliminate harmful disease-causing toxins from the body. As such, you are almost naturally at a lower risk of developing conditions as dangerous as cancer. Again, there are a lot of contributing factors to these conditions, but so long as they are in control, and with the consumption of lemon juice, you can cleanse your liver off toxins so that you feel healthy and lively. Also, drinking lemon juice in water everyday will reduce acne breakouts so that you have beautiful, glowing skin. Finally, you can even ward off the common cold by consuming lemon juice every day.


  • Lemon Juice is the Best Natural Remedy for Dandruff
Dandruff, that is caused due to an oily scalp can benefit well by the application of lemon juice on the scalp. Simply dip a cotton ball in lemon juice and apply it all over your scalp. Leave it on for about thirty minutes, and then wash your hair with a mild shampoo. Follow this regimen at least thrice a week for best results. Remember not to leave on the lemon for too long as it has bleaching properties, and can cause your hair to lose its natural color. Of course, in addition to this application, consuming the juice will be the best remedy for all your problems.

So, as you can see, lemon juice is great for your hair, skin, and your body in general. Apart from these prominent benefits of lemon juice, there are some more ways in which it will help you. Take a look.

  • The early morning glass of lemon juice with honey in warm water helps those suffering from constipation and aids digestion.
  • The high levels of potassium in lemon juice make it a great remedy for dizziness, nausea, and problems caused by blood pressure.
  • Gargling with a teaspoon of lemon juice in warm water is a great remedy for a constant cough or a sore throat.
  • A lemon juice drink consumed daily can also cut cholesterol levels and prevent the risk of developing heart problems.
  • Not only dark spots on the face, lemon juice can also be used to lighten other dark areas on the body such as underarms and inner thighs. However, these are very sensitive areas, so apply the juice only for fifteen to twenty minutes, and then wipe the area with a clean, wet cloth. Apply some mild talcum powder on the area thereafter to reduce any burning sensation.
Do you still want to go out and buy that cream that promises to give you flawless skin in one week? Why don't you try lemon juice instead and prove how good lemon juice is for you?
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Sunday 15 November 2015

Top 10 Banana Health Benefits

Bananas are one of nature’s great snack foods,
but did you know just how good for you they are
and how many different and unusual uses they can
have? Ahead are 10 banana health benefits for
more energy, better health and even improving the
way you look and feel.
1. Potassium-Bananas are among the most convenient food
sources of potassium. This mineral is essential for
maintaining proper heart function and regulating
normal blood pressure.
Numerous studies have shown the effectiveness of
potassium rich foods like bananas in lowering high
blood pressure.
So much so that the US Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) allows the banana industry
to make official claims (much like they would a
pharmaceutical drug) of their ability to reduce the
risk of high blood pressure and stroke.
Further research by the New England Journal of
Medicine suggests eating bananas regularly in
your diet can cut your risk of having a stroke by
up to 40%.
The potassium in bananas is also beneficial for
your kidneys and bones. A good potassium intake
suppresses calcium excretion in the urine that can
lead to painful kidney stones .
This suppression of calcium loss also reduces your
risk of developing osteoporosis and brittle bones.
A banana or two a day can have some serious
health benefits.
2. More Energy-Even with the proliferation of brightly colored
‘sports’ drinks, ‘energy’ bars and ‘electrolyte’ gels
(these are loaded with unhealthy chemicals and
coloring by the way) you often see athletes eating
bananas just before and even during sports.
Watching tennis for instance, it’s not uncommon
to see the players snacking on a bit of banana in
between games. If a banana can keep a
professional tennis player going, it’s got to rank
pretty well in the high-quality energy source
Personally, I find the combination of natural
sugars, balanced with the soluble fiber and
potassium, to provide a good stable energy when
eaten half an hour before gym or a run.
I’ve experimented with this – running or weights
with, or without a banana – and seem to
consistently do better when I have one before
Some people are worried about bananas spiking
blood sugar, but tests show they actually have a
glycemic index of around 52, with 24 g of available
carbs (lower the less ripe they are).
That’s a glycemic load in the vicinity of 12 which
isn’t considered that high. These figures will
obviously vary depending on variety and ripeness.
Bananas make a great snack at work when your
energy is lagging and while they might not be the
most obvious weight loss food, they are only
about 100 calories and can satisfy those sweet
So if you can replace candy bars and other junk
foods with bananas, you might just have a really
important step towards losing weight. As an added
bonus your energy will be much more steady and

3. Helps Digestion-
Bananas are a great source of dietary fiber that
most of us don’t get nearly enough of. Fiber helps
the food you eat move smoothly through the
digestive tract and improves elimination.
A couple of bananas may be a healthier choice
than laxatives to treat occasional constipation.
Turning to another important element of digestion,
bananas are rich in fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS
for short thankfully). FOS is known as a prebiotic
since it feeds the important friendly bacteria in the
digestive tract that help us absorb nutrients more
Bananas are also known to help relieve
the symptoms of heartburn. So once again, try
reaching for the natural cure with banana rather
than antacids (though if this page gets shared
around too much the makers of Metamucil and

Mylanta and not going to be happy!).

4. Good for Ulcers-
Eating bananas regularly may help protect against
stomach ulcers. Compounds in bananas seem to
create a thicker protective barrier in the stomach
against hydrochloric acid.
Bananas also contain protease inhibitors that work
to eliminate certain bacteria in the stomach

implicated as a major cause of stomach ulcers.

5. High in Vitamin B6-
Bananas are particularly high in vitamin B6. This
vitamin is important for creating hemoglobin for
healthy blood.
B6 is also involved in maintaining proper blood
sugar levels, synthesizing and breaking down
amino acids and producing antibodies for a
stronger immune response in your body.
Just one banana has a full fifth of your
recommended daily intake of vitamin B6. And they

taste much better than vitamin pills too!

6. Vitamins and Minerals-
Alongside the high levels of potassium and vitamin
B6 already mentioned, bananas also have good
levels of vitamin C, magnesium and manganese.
They are also a source of most of the other B
vitamins and smaller amounts of trace minerals

like iodine, iron, selenium and zinc.

7. Skin Conditions-
Even the skins of this amazing fruit have their
uses. Banana skins have been used externally to
treat skin conditions like psoriasis and acne.
The freshly peeled inside of the banana skin is
gently rubbed over the affected area and the
residue left on. This might be better done on a day
indoors or before bed to avoid the banana smell
when out and about.
Note too that in the case of psoriasis there
apparently may be some further reddening initially,
but this should improve after a few days of
use. Patch test on a small area first if you have
any concerns. It also usually take several weeks to
get the full effects from this treatment.
Banana peel treatments are even used to heal
warts. You rub a small piece of banana peel over
the wart and then tightly tape it there overnight for
at least a week, possibly several, changing it to a
new one each night.
People in online forums have reported good results
with these simple treatments, though results with
natural cures can be varied. I’d be really interested
to hear from anyone who’s tried any of them for


8. A Cancer Fighter?
Recent Japanese animal research linked bananas
that are fully ripe (with the dark spots) to
production of a compound called
tumor necrosis factor (TNF–a). This compound is
a cytokine which is believed to have the potential
to increase white blood cell count, thus enhancing
your immunity and combating cancerous cell
Personally, I don’t put too much stock in animal
studies. Regardless, increasing overall fruit
consumption in your diet has been consistently
linked to a lower risk of dcancers

9. Improving your Mood and
Reducing Stress
:-)Bananas are a good source of the amino acid
tryptophan which your body converts to serotonin.
Amongst many other things, proper serotonin
levels help improve your mood, reduce stress and
enhance your general outlook and happiness
levels. It also helps regulate good sleep patterns.
Tryptophan is considered an essential amino acid
because the only way your body gets it is through
your diet. Bananas, while certainly not the highest
source out there, are one of the easiest ways to
get a little more tryptophan. Another reason why
bananas make such a great snack for those
stressed out at work.

10. A Hangover Cure-
Bananas are a great hangover food for mornings
when you’ve overdone it a bit the night before. A
couple of bananas in a blender with ice, some
berries and coconut milk or organic cow’s or
goat’s milk makes a really good recovery drink.
Just about all the other health benefits already
discussed come into play here. Of course the
better solution is not to drink so much the night
before. But just in case, it’s good to have some
bananas around for the next morning.
As I tend to get mine in bulk and don’t always
finish them before they get too ripe, I like to chop
up any excess ones on their last legs and put
them in a container in the freezer. These are great
to drop straight from the freezer into the blender

instead of ice cubes for brilliant creamy smoothies.


"So there you have 10 good reasons to pick up a
bunch of bananas the next time you’re out
shopping. While pesticides aren’t considered a
significant problem with bananas, fair trade fruits
are worth looking for if you can find them.
How do you like to eat your bananas? Alone or
mixed with other foods like on top of a healthy
muesli or blended up in a smoothie? I be
interested to hear any ideas or suggestions you
might have for more beneficial ways to enjoy